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As de bâton

10 of Wands

The Ten of Wands is an allegorical representation of transcendental immanence, immanent transcendence... or, more simply, embodied awakening. The wooden lattice has evolved into a palisade. The purity's brilliance is omnipresent: matter has reached a state of sublimation where spirit predominates above all else. At the center, two wands now form a pylon... or a column. Their two halves merge into a lance, heralding the forthcoming arrival of the swords. The Ten of Wands marks the return of floral elements. After the carbonization of the Nine, this organic renewal is a restorative blessing. The corollas and their buds have, however, surpassed the threshold of intelligence to adorn themselves in white. This card has a nearly angelic dimension: the death (or volatilization) of the ego releases an intense healing energy. Matter and spirit blend and resonate in unison with the present... anything, or its opposite, is possible. On either side of the vibratory center, Buddha appears in two avatars, whose forms are at opposite ends of an incarnation spectrum. However, the decrepitude of the first and the freshness of the second are merely expressions of a viewpoint. In both cases, they each embody the mastery of a stage that simultaneously carries all the shadow... and all the light. This visual metaphor aptly summarizes the essence of the Ten of Wands: "life is a state of mind." Based on "Ascetic Buddha," Gandhara Museum of Lahore (2nd - 4th century)














The plusses


The lessers

#Major Achievement
#Assumed Responsibility
#Successful Burden
#Recognized Tenacity
#Goals Accomplished
#Final Strength
#Stability Despite the Load
#Concrete Success

The Ten of Wands embodies the culmination of a mountain summit. It signifies that we have conquered the heights of our journey in the realms of creative action and passions. It represents the culmination of our creative and passionate aspirations. Our inner strength has borne fruit, and having achieved our goals, we are ready to embrace new horizons. The Ten of Wands embodies the zenith of a work, where every burden has been carried with resilience, and every obstacle has been overcome with strength and determination. Here, the path has reached its peak, and the end of our ascent offers a panoramic view of the extent of our achievements. We can rejoice in and view them with the innocence of a child. This card marks the end of a cycle and simultaneously opens the way to new adventures. We can turn our backs on old challenges and direct our attention towards bliss and overall well-being. Autonomy reigns, balancing the energies of our environment in fluid exchanges, where personal accomplishment and mutual collaboration are in perfect harmony. Its less luminous aspects refer to feelings of exhaustion, failure, self-contempt, and the thankless sensation of having taken on too much or having burned the candle at both ends... and in vain. In the context of a reading, the Ten of Wands generally suggests a significant achievement in the realms of creation and passions. It encourages us to celebrate our accomplishments, share the victory with those who contributed to our success, and use this regenerating energy as a springboard for new ventures, sharing, and transmission.

#Crushing Responsibilities
#Overwhelming Load
#Success at the Expense of Well-being
#Exhaustion from Achievement
#Failure Despite Efforts
#Injuries from the Burden
#Unshared Load



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png


Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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