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As de bâton

9 of Wands

The Nine of Wands has the starkness of absolute bare-bones. Organic life has disappeared from this card, making way for the fierce resolve of the central wand. In the Nine of Wands, it serves as the supreme point of attention: its symbolic function is that of a pivot or hinge. It is the door that one opens or closes depending on the perspective and viewpoint... The cut and burned flowers at the root of the Eight of Wands have likely facilitated the shaping of the two wands at the poles of the central axis. However, this rupture is purely illusory, as their base creates an unbroken link with the intertwining of the eight peripheral wands. As with the previous card, the central lattice vibrates with the colors of its animal heart, which an active intelligence irrevocably spiritualizes. The vertical sticks can now freely articulate the lattice formed by the other eight, modulating its volume and shape. In this view, they are the levers of the direction one chooses. On either side, two warriors face off, determined to engage in a fight to the death. These samurai queens from another era will make no concessions to their counterpart. One’s passion has transcended the image: her work, completed, can be universalized through renunciation and selflessness. For the other, survival is the only viable option, regardless of any altruistic and fruitful transmission... and, at the risk, of sacrificing any legacy. Based on "Empress Jingū Invading Korea," Yūsai Toshiaki (1864 - 1921)














The plusses


The lessers

#Final Determination
#Assured Protection
#Inner Strength
#Stable Persistence
#Guaranteed Success
#Defensive Maturity
#Calculated Defense

The Nine of Wands represents a breaking point between resilience, perseverance, sacrifice, and renunciation in the realm of creative action and passions. Like the number 9, this card symbolizes a crucial stage in our journey, where our determination can lead to brilliant success or plunge us into the depths of our vulnerabilities. In areas related to action and creative realization, the Nine of Wands can also highlight a conflict between our aspirations for success and the fear of failure. In its positive aspect, this card embodies tenacious resistance in the face of trials, perseverance despite obstacles, and victories resulting from our inner strength. It emphasizes that even at the height of despair, determination fosters remarkable achievements. From this perspective, the Nine of Wands invites us to draw on our deep resources, to overcome difficulties with confidence, and to embrace the lessons that each challenge brings. However, the Nine of Wands can also reveal the dangers of overprotection, excessive pride, or relentless stubbornness. It may indicate the need to recognize our limits, to seek help when necessary, and to avoid exhausting ourselves in a losing battle. This card reminds us that error is not defeat and vulnerability is not an admission of weakness but an essential part of our humanity. In the context of a reading, the Nine of Wands may signal a period where resilience and perseverance are put to the test. It is a call to mobilize our determination in the face of challenges, but also to recognize when it is time to reconsider our approach... or even to let go, and to take care of our emotional well-being.

#Excessive Defense
#Refusal to Seek Help
#Defensive Rigidity
#Isolation Through Protection
#Lack of Trust



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png


Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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