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As de bâton

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands embodies the androgynous beauty of universal desire. Asexually essential, it touches all beings regardless of their gender or inclination. She burns with all the fires of passion, the Queen of Wands. And it shows. Her swollen red tunic is the living theater of her incandescent desires. The winding folds of her dress create patterns that can be charming or obscene depending on the perspective. Libertines will discern penises, phalli, vulvas, and vaginas. Poets will see islands, seafood, moistures, and tumescence... And the outraged will protest against such vulgarity. Her hands are the manifest extension of her talents and skills. She combines dexterity, skill, and delicacy, making her both an expert artisan and a goldsmith... and also an unparalleled seductress and manipulator. In her right hand, the crude club of the Page has transformed into a martial dildo, its tip stimulating her lower abdomen. And in her left, an anxiety-inducing fork may mimic castration. Her royal crown adorned with a white laurel branch and the shield at her feet are reflections of her kinship with the Empress, embodying creative and sexual power. For the sake of the cause, Lucrezia Borgia has taken on the role of the Queen of Wands. Her infamous legend undoubtedly illustrates the darker inclinations of this card: cruelty, venality, debauchery, and perversity. However, attempts have been made to rehabilitate her historical memory. In this instance, her status as a patroness of the arts and letters bestows upon our Queen of Wands her noble quarters. Based on "Vanity," Frank Cadogan Cowper (1877 - 1958)














The plusses


The lessers

#Magnetic Charisma
#Flamboyant Creativity
#Fiery Independence
#Captivating Passion
#Seductive Confidence
#Artistic Expression
#Inspiring Leadership
#Contagious Energy

The Queen of Wands is the living embodiment of passion, creativity, desire, and seduction. In its positive form, she represents a charismatic figure who has achieved independence and autonomy in creative and innovative fields. Driven by contagious energy, the Queen of Wands inexorably guides those around her toward accomplishment, as her burning vitality turns obstacles into opportunities. Her strategic intelligence and magnetic charm make her a fiery source of inspiration and motivation. However, in her excesses, the Queen of Wands may succumb to the charms of egotism and manipulation. Her consuming ambition then drives her to cross ethical boundaries and become authoritarian or even tyrannical. From a sublime muse, she can transform into a ravenous and perverse creature, with her insatiable appetites scorching her noble aspirations. Her quest for recognition becomes insatiable, and this venal courtesan's sole ambition is frenetic consumption and futile honors. In the context of a reading, the Queen of Wands may represent an influential person in the fields of creativity, entrepreneurship, or leadership. She encourages adopting a bold and visionary approach while warning against the pitfalls of pride. This card teaches us to channel our creative energy wisely and to inspire others without sacrificing our integrity. It may also highlight the reality of a desire that would be beneficial to develop... or to transmute.

#Emotional Manipulation
#Excessive Egocentrism
#Unnecessary Dramatization
#Emotional Volatility
#Theatrical Attitude
#Narcissistic Dominance
#Manipulative Impulsivity
#Intolerance to Opposition



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png


Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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