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As de bâton

6 of Wands

The Six of Wands proudly displays its triumphant weapons across the entire surface of the card. Its majestic patterns could adorn the grand sail of a ship returning to port, flying a victorious flag. The crossing wands intertwine in an intricate and elegant lattice. Their majesty perhaps emulates the oars of a drakkar or a galley, raised triumphantly. For the first time, the flowers at the poles are completely heterogeneous: one is male and the other is female. Their clear lack of kinship makes the Six of Wands a rather novel hybrid creature in the tarot. Its originality does not lie in asymmetry or the sexual duality frequently depicted in this deck... No, its great innovation is that it sharply contrasts with the relative androgyny of the other cards. The Six of Wands objectively celebrates the complementarity of genders. And in this case, the masculine takes the lead... perhaps to honor creative action and the ecstasies of shared pleasure. Simply adorned with abundant hair and all her dignity, Lady Godiva parades on her steed through the streets of Coventry. By this supreme act of bravado, she would have dealt a fatal blow to the arrogant greed and cynical disdain of her husband, Count Léofric, Lord of Coventry. According to legend, her audacity earned the city's inhabitants exemption from taxes and her husband a return to grace... and favors. From "Lady Godiva," John Collier (1850 - 1934)














The plusses


The lessers

#Recognized Success
#Merited Honor
#Personal Triumph
#Inspiring Leadership
#Public Achievement
#Professional Advancement
#Enhanced Confidence
#Collective Acclaim

The Six of Wands symbolizes triumph, recognition, and celebration in the realm of creative action and passions. This card evokes the feeling of success, public recognition, and deserved victory. The Six of Wands embodies creative achievement, the triumph over a challenge, or the realization of an ambitious goal. It reminds us that the consistency of our efforts and our determination usually bear fruit. The Six of Wands encourages us to celebrate our accomplishments while remaining humble and aware of the importance of sharing our successes with those who contributed. In its most positive aspect, the Six of Wands urges us to inspire others by our example, to share our expertise, and to foster a positive creative dynamic around us. It is also an invitation to communicate, guide, and motivate while expressing our gratitude and demonstrating humility. On the flip side, the Six of Wands has a tendency to fall into the depths of ego, megalomania, and ingratitude. It warns us against the risk of sacrificing our creative aspirations and the virtues of collaboration on the altar of vanity. In this context, this card exhorts us to nurture healthy passions, cultivate our values, and transform our successes into a source of inspiration. In the context of a reading, the Six of Wands may indicate a victory, a public acknowledgment, an artistic accomplishment, or the completion of a specific project. It is a call to celebrate our achievements, inspire others through our example, and remain true to our principles while sharing the fruits of our success.

#Undeserved Recognition
#Superficial Success
#Excessive Glorification
#Overblown Pride
#Defeat Despite Appearances
#Fleeting Fame



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png


Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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