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As de bâton

3 of Wands

The Three of Wands has shed the versatile organic attributes of the previous card. The coquettish and alluring flowers have birthed a third wand at the center: erect and conquering. The desire, still embryonic in the Two of Wands, has now risen into a burning manifestation. The Three of Wands now embodies the dynamic energy of intentions translated into actions. The intersecting wood pieces are duplicated in threes, giving them the harmonious aesthetic of a six-branched candelabrum. On the sides, two floral spikes are active at the point where the wands intersect. Their bright red buds appear swollen with the vivid yellow of their intelligent animality. Of the twin sisters, only the left branch is visible. The right one is obscured by the incongruous appearance of a bull being ridden lasciviously by a young woman. Her attitude, however, carries attributes of ambiguity: her dominating hands delicately subdue the beast... but the direction of her gaze, and the hesitation in her hips, cast a modest shadow of doubt on the integrity of her consent. In the precursor myth, Europa is abducted by Zeus, whose metamorphosis is both a courtship ritual and a double deception. His disguise allows the impetuous god to seduce Cadmus' daughter while deceiving Hera, his wife. And in the tarot, the Three of Wands is the pivot between passivity and confrontation. In any case, this card ardently burns with the explosive transports of our budding passions. Based on "The Abduction of Europa" by Maarten de Vos (1532 - 1603).














The plusses


The lessers

#Early Expansion
#Fruitful Collaboration
#International Perspectives
#Progressive Growth
#Long-Term Planning
#Strategic Vision
#Anticipated Harvests
#Harmonious Development

The Three of Wands embodies expansion, preparation, and anticipation in the materialization of our passions. This card represents the moment when our efforts begin to bear fruit, creating a solid foundation for the future. It reminds us that long-term vision and patience are key elements in realizing our aspirations. The Three of Wands is the card of creative quest and action. It urges us to look beyond the horizon, explore new perspectives, and embrace the opportunities that come our way. In the context of a reading, the Three of Wands signals a period where our projects are visibly coming to fruition. It is often associated with successes and developments that are clearly identifiable or imminent. This card encourages us to nurture our long-term vision, remain open to emerging possibilities, and ultimately cultivate projects that lead us toward growth and prosperity. Finally, much like the number 3, which signifies creative expansion, the Three of Wands pushes us to openness in the realm of creative action and passions. It is the forward-looking gaze that, through strategic planning and anticipation, aspires to higher, sustainable achievements... and to our fulfillment.

#Unrealistic Expectations
#Impatience with Growth
#Ineffective Planning
#Limited Vision
#Delays in Progress
#Overreaching Ambitions
#Early Burnout



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png


Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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