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LLdD - Mineur - 37 - 1 de coupe.png

2 of Cups

On this composition, everything calls for meeting, reunions and union. In its original version, the Two of Cups already has all the attributes of a loving coat of arms. It is the ideal representation of the heraldry that soulmates would undoubtedly display without a shadow of a doubt. Its almost perfect symmetry, however, subtly suggests a narcissistic and immature vision of a self-centered love. If we envision the other as a projection, even a complex one, of ourselves, we reduce them to an incestuous extension of our desire. In this case, the other, a simple idealization of a self-transposed into a pictorial image, does not exist... or at least, not in its singularity. At the bottom and center of the card, the phoenix invites us to conceive of Love in the perfection of its otherness. The union it symbolizes can only occur if we burn our childish dreams of fusion on the pyre of our vanities. Only then do the apparent similarities between the mirror elements reveal themselves as harmonious in their asymmetry. The other is no longer an Oedipal version of a partner built on the paradigms of our childhood... they are distinct, unique, and loved in their individuality: their indivisible duality. Under this necessary and sufficient condition, the two cherubs and the dolphins, with their fish-like appearance, can give birth to a sincere and selfless Love. And the incandescent blaze that the phoenix lights under the starry ermine canopy transforms their devout desires into burning realities... and into descendants.














The plusses


The lessers

#Emergence of Bonds
#Significant Connection
#Intimate Sharing
#Harmonious Synergy
#Mutual Understanding
#Emotional Support
#Embracing Differences

The Two of Cups represents the emergence of emotional bonds and duality in relationships. It illustrates the pairing between two "soulmates," a metaphor for their meeting and the ensuing exchanges. In this way, the Two of Cups suggests the beginning of a deep and meaningful connection between two people. Emotions flow freely between the partners... It is a privileged and intimate moment of sharing where each person contributes the essence of their nature to the relationship. From this perspective, the Two of Cups creates a unique and harmonious synergy. This card reminds us that every relationship requires a balance between "giving" and "receiving." The Two of Cups emphasizes the importance of reciprocity in our relational interactions. It invites us to mutual understanding and support so that both individuals in the relationship feel fully heard and accepted. In the context of a reading, the Two of Cups indicates a period where new emotional connections are forming. It may signify the start of a friendship, a romance, or a fruitful partnership. This card encourages us to be open to the possibility of sharing our feelings and cultivating relationships that nourish our soul.

#Emotional Isolation
#Lack of Connection
#Relational Imbalance
#Emotional Conflicts
#Mutual Misunderstanding
#Repressed Feelings
#Superficial Relationships



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Cups - Green Picto.png


Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png
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