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LLdD - Mineur - 37 - 1 de coupe.png

King of Cups

If the King of Cups looks to the right, it is because he is already turned towards the future. The intelligence of the heart is the virtue that his queen bestowed upon him at the end of her own quest. With this acquired grace, he can freely offer it to those who seek it. The King of Cups' generous nature is transmitted through the chalice that his right hand extends to those in need. From the open cup springs the abundant source of his kindness. Those who have drank from it claim that it provides, if not eternal youth, at least healing of emotional wounds. The trimmed edges bordering his crown are the receptacle of his cosmic connection. The green and violet that adorn his garments inform us about the ecology of a deeply wise and altruistic nature. And his armor, tinted in sky blue, receptive and spiritual, essentially serves as an echo chamber for the beats of a marshmallow heart. Detached from the emotional chessboard, the King of Cups generally gives freely. But beware... if he were to mistake mastery for control, great harm would befall him. For his cup would turn into a cup and ball or a club, and the good king into a fool... or a tyrant. From "Charlemagne", Antoine Coysevox (1640 - 1720)














The plusses


The lessers

#Emotional mastery
#Affective stability
#Emotional generosity
#Empathetic mentor
#Enlightened advice
#Emotional power
#Relational stability
#Emotional kindness

The King of Cups embodies emotional mastery, wisdom, and affective stability. A model of calm and emotional control, he knows how to dispense his emotions with wisdom and compassion. The King of Cups represents the ability to remain emotionally stable in times of crisis and to foster harmonious relationships. In its positive form, the King of Cups symbolizes lucid and grounded emotional generosity. He is then an empathetic mentor, capable of offering enlightened advice on matters of the heart. The King of Cups reminds us that mastering our emotions is a source of power and stability. However, the King of Cups can sometimes be emotionally distant, which makes him insensitive to the affective needs of others. He can also be prone to excessive control over his emotions, making him cold, calculating, and manipulative. In this case, this card encourages us to maintain a balance between emotional restraint and the authentic expression of our feelings. In the context of a reading, the King of Cups may represent someone in our environment who embodies these qualities of emotional mastery and kindness. It can also indicate a need to cultivate these attributes within ourselves, by working on our ability to express our emotions with awareness and compassion... and to give graciously.

#Emotional distance
#Excessive control of emotions
#Emotional coldness
#Need for emotional balance
#Authentic expression



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Cups - Green Picto.png


Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png
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