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LLdD - Mineur - 37 - 1 de coupe.png

6 of Cups

On the Six of Cups, the swirling floral composition of the Five has transformed into an arboreal scepter. The erect and swollen staff divides the horizontal space into two columns of three stacked cups, while it splits the vertical axis into three pairs of chalices. Its upper half is receptive and luxuriant: the sepals are abundantly open, offering themselves to cosmic energy. Their intelligent and animalistic corollas unfold an active spirituality, with the fruits blossoming into a crescent moon and two solar discs. At the center, an eight-petaled flower blooms in all directions, with its bud symbolizing the alchemical sun. The lower half of the staff becomes a lance, stripped of excess but active, radiating telluric energy towards the earth. The six cups simultaneously symbolize two trinities and three dualities. The vegetal massif thus serves as both a hedge and a vine, separating and uniting them in rhythm... and vice versa. This apparent paradox is the essence of the Six of Cups, where the essence of Beauty is perfectly idealized. Finally, orbiting in the card's gravitational space, Shiva and Parvati engage in a loving parade. What better way to envision the reunion of these twin souls than through their cosmic ballet: a prefiguration of their imminent union... or their desire for conflict.














The plusses


The lessers

#Emotional Beauty
#Relational Harmony
#Significant Meeting
#Deep Connection
#Intense Emotional Sharing
#Respect for Individuality

The Six of Cups exalts the beauty and harmony of emotional and relational cycles. This card usually stirs emotions in those seeking love. Romantics see it as the union of two soulmates... or, at the very least, the promise of meeting a loved one. Nostalgics, on the other hand, associate it more with the prospect of reconnecting with a cherished person from the past. In all cases, the Six of Cups evokes the idealization of love and relationships. Simultaneously, it acknowledges the inherent challenges of emotional fusion. It reminds us that emotional communion can lead to peaks of ecstasy and fulfillment... but it can also plunge us into egocentric and narcissistic entrapments. To avoid these pitfalls, the Six of Cups advises balancing our emotional bonds between sharing and respecting individuality. In the context of a reading, the Six of Cups can represent a significant meeting, a deep connection, or a moment of intense emotional sharing. It may also suggest exploring the vast richness of our emotions and remind us that our past has a decisive influence on our perceptions and feelings. This card thus encourages us to remain aware of our emotional needs while establishing harmonious connections with others.

#Emotional Fusion
#Egotistical Enclosure
#Excessive Idealization
#Relational Challenges
#Fusion Temptation
#Past Emotions



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Cups - Green Picto.png


Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png
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