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LLdD - Mineur - 24 - 2 de denier.png

10 of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles has the triumphant sobriety of a victory achieved with consistency and humility. The ten gold coins are arranged in several identifiable groups. On the periphery, a square of coins forms the quadrature of a circle (oval) of six shields. In its upper and lower halves, the card features two sets of five coins each, with their centers being the vertices of the central hexagon. Colored orange, a sign of active intelligence, each set contains 11 petals, totaling 22. This pair, a mise-en-abîme of the major arcana series, clearly marks an achievement. The blossoming tree of the Eight of Pentacles has both expanded and flourished in the Ten. Its plant branches have extraverted to create an abundant and generous Latin X. At the center, the flower spreads its spiritually active petals outward. Its centrifugal energy is all the more vivid as four underlying red tongues manifest matter sublimated by the spirit. The central bud is marked with a small fish: the Hebrew letter Nun, the fourteenth letter of the alphabet and synonymous with increase. Finally, the vertical branch of the cruciform tree crosses the two pivotal coins. Its whiteness reminds us that matter is destined to spiritualize in the Ten of Pentacles. Perched on the floral horizon, Romulus and Remus suckle from the universal she-wolf. Animal maternity is the gift matter gives to humanity. Her milk is the fundamental essence through which the wisdom of the World is transmitted.














The plusses


The lessers

#Family Prosperity
#Financial Legacy
#Generational Stability
#Long-Term Security
#Material Comfort
#Shared Abundance
#Financial Responsibility
#Cultural Heritage

The Ten of Pentacles indicates that we have reached the pinnacle of our journey in the material sphere. Everything here is harmony and resilience: the body thrives, health flourishes, security is fully satisfied, and abundance is present. The Ten of Pentacles signifies the fulfillment of our material goals, family happiness, and the success of our projects. With it, any potential difficulty is seen as temporary, and our hearts experience a sense of completeness. This card represents an achievement, the end of a cycle that paves the way for new possibilities. We can leave behind past material concerns and fully dedicate ourselves to our well-being. Autonomy reigns, as material imbalances have given way to a collaboration where the need for security and self-renewal balance each other out. Its (rare) negative aspects refer to self-rejection or contempt, feelings of decay or overall failure, fears of having wasted one's life, etc. In the context of a reading, the Ten of Pentacles generally signifies material fulfillment and abundance. It encourages us to appreciate our accomplishments and to share our success with those close to us. It is a favorable time to invest in the future and build solid foundations for ourselves and for our descendants.

#Family Conflicts
#Unsatisfactory Management
#Excessive Family Burden
#Excessive Attachment to Wealth
#Family Selfishness
#Obsession with Riches
#Overwhelming Responsibilities
#Burden of Cultural Heritage



Pentacles- Picto - Red.png


Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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