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LLdD - Mineur - 24 - 2 de denier.png

King of Pentacles

As a true alchemist, the King of Pentacles has transmuted the lead of the Page and the silver of the Queen into gold. His ankle, freed from any burden, has ascended from the ground to lodge in the hollow of his knee the last pentacle to which his right hand still maintains a distant attachment. The central part of the golden disc is red with manifest material activity. The amused eye will discern, in the shape it forms with the folds of his cape, the silhouette of a horse’s head... perhaps of Troy. Clever tactician and wise strategist, the King of Pentacles is the karmic cousin of illustrious warriors: Julius Caesar, Ulysses, or Achilles. Yet, conquest and accumulation are no longer his concerns. Indeed, the sobriety of his noble garments and his headgear leave no doubt: the King of Pentacles has transcended his quest for materiality. The materialistic interest of the Queen has given way to healthy detachment. This King is generous with his wealth. Visionary and open-handed, he can give without measure... sometimes to the point of squandering. Finally, to his right, another pentacle hovers at a respectful distance from his face. It testifies to the benevolent and disinterested generosity of the King of Pentacles in sharing and passing on his wealth. But if his detached projection turns into obsessive possessiveness and control, this card becomes Scrooge or Harpagon. Based on "Julius Caesar," Nicolas Coustou (1658 - 1733)














The plusses


The lessers

#Financial Mastery
#Material Success
#Wise Investment
#Effective Resource Management
#Stability And Security
#Long Term Vision
#Financial Responsibility

The King of Pentacles embodies mastery, wisdom, stability, and material generosity. A model of tranquility and a visionary in practical matters, the King of Pentacles knows how to direct his resources with clarity and insight. He represents our ability to stay grounded during material crises and to nurture harmonious relationships in family, professional, and socio-cultural spheres. In his positive aspect, the King of Pentacles symbolizes conscientious and aware material generosity. He serves as a pragmatic mentor, always ready to offer informed advice on issues related to comfort, security, and well-being. The motto "A healthy mind in a healthy body" fits him perfectly. However, the King of Pentacles can become consumed by his material concerns. He may then show insensitivity to the needs of others and undermine the emotional value of his relationships. Driven by excessive control over his resources, he can quickly transform into a miser, calculating and obsessed with accumulation. In this case, the card encourages us to maintain a balance between healthy, prudent material satisfaction and genuine generosity. In the context of a reading, the King of Pentacles may represent a person in our circle who embodies these qualities of mastery and material benevolence. It may also indicate a need to cultivate these attributes within ourselves: managing our resources methodically and consciously while graciously contributing to our material environment.

#Financial rigidity
#Excessive control
#Financial egocentrism
#Refusal to change
#Lack of generosity
#Tendency to isolation



Pentacles- Picto - Red.png


Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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