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LLdD - Mineur - 24 - 2 de denier.png

6 of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles represents the central coin of the Five that has taken on an organic form, flourishing in all directions. The symmetry of this card is an allegory of the harmony that the 6 offers us on the path of our material world learning. The introverted and centripetal dimension of the 5 has evolved into a centrifugal expansion. The heart here is the starting point of the new balance that the Five of Pentacles promised us if we embraced the change. The plant being has shed its previous sobriety to adorn itself with a generous and exalted munificence. The central bouquet has the attributes of an energetic wheel whose dextrorotatory movement activates 4 chakras (sacral, solar plexus, heart, and throat). Around it, 4 pentacles form a stable base echoed by the square. At the opposite ends of the vertical axis, the 2 remaining pentacles establish the connection between the root and the third eye. Finally, two hands borrowed from "The Creation of Adam" (Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, 1511) evoke the accomplishment of the Six of Pentacles in a status quo between "giving" and "receiving."














The plusses


The lessers

#Fair Sharing
#Financial Rewards
#Wealth Redistribution
#Balance in Exchanges

The Six of Pentacles embodies generosity, sharing, and reciprocity in the material realm. This card highlights the willingness to share our resources equitably and benevolently in the form of money, time, skills, or any type of material support. The Six of Pentacles reminds us that giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin and that selfless generosity can bring deep satisfaction. In its most positive aspect, this card symbolizes philanthropy and mutual abundance. It encourages us to reach out to those in need, support charitable causes, or simply be generous. However, the Six of Pentacles can also reveal imbalances in our exchanges. This is especially the case when one or more people take disproportionate advantage of or abuse the generosity or naivety of others. It may indicate the need to restore balance in our interactions and ensure that all our dealings are based on fair and just foundations. In the context of a reading, the Six of Pentacles can signal opportunities to share and assist or to receive a helping hand. It is a call to generosity, fairness, and recognition of the needs of all involved parties... including our own. This card encourages us to maintain a balance between our material concerns and our deeper values... and to view our resources as a means to create connections and make a positive contribution to our world.

#Imbalance in Exchanges
#Refusal to Share
#Lack of Recognition
#Excessive Generosity at One’s Own Expense
#Poor Financial Management
#Unrealistic Expectations



Pentacles- Picto - Red.png


Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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