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LLdD - Mineur - 24 - 2 de denier.png

Page of Pentacles

If it weren’t for Hector, offering the coin of his cruel fate to Apollo, the Page of Pentacles might be the young Ronaldo juggling a ball in the streets of Madeira. The dual symbolism of the tragic hero and the young prodigy on the brink of his glory is the perfect metaphor for the Page of Pentacles. He possesses the bravery of the Prince of Troy and the embryonic genius of the Portuguese hope on the eve of his transfer to Manchester United. The Page of Pentacles has all the attributes of a challenger: this high-potential colt on whom any ambitious stable is justifiably entitled to bet its weight in gold. Resting on spiritually active ground, his feet hesitate to take a direction. If he has a lead weight, the pentacle fixed to his ankle pins our Page to the ground. Conversely, confident and with a skillful hand, he sights the second coin as if he could read the future in it. In both cases, his action is suspended in time and space... but if he overcomes his fears or obsessions, the Page of Pentacles may illuminate his choice and take the decisive step to bring his projects to fruition. Based on "Ettore," Antonio Canova (1757 - 1822).














The plusses


The lessers

#Material curiosity
#Skill acquisition
#Openness to opportunities
#New financial perspectives
#Interest in the concrete world
#Exploration of the material domain
#Creative use of resources

The Page of Pentacles is both the messenger and the apprentice of the practical aspects of life and the discovery of the material world. He embodies both curiosity or interest and doubt or immaturity regarding material matters. Open to the opportunities that come his way, the Page of Pentacles invites us to explore the tangible realm, to learn how to use our resources, and to become familiar with the pragmatic aspects of existence. In its positive form, the Page of Pentacles symbolizes a new learning experience, an enterprise, a career, or a budding professional project. It may also indicate a period of growth in our understanding of materiality, where we learn to better utilize our "talents" and make informed choices. The Page of Pentacles encourages us to be curious and to consciously mobilize our skills and resources to make them flourish. However, the Page of Pentacles can also reveal a negative influence of material concerns on our choices and actions. It may then foster an excessive obsession with material success, money, or possession, lead to thoughtless or risky decisions, and put us in danger of failure... even bankruptcy. In this case, this card reminds us to maintain a healthy balance between our material concerns or ambitions and other areas of our lives. In the context of a reading, the Page of Pentacles may announce the arrival of a message or an opportunity related to the material world. It is a call to stay open to new experiences in the tangible realm, to learn, and to make informed decisions to improve our existence.

#Financial immaturity
#Materialistic obsession
#Attraction to novelty
#Reckless risks
#Ignorance of opportunities
#Manipulation of resources
#Disconnect from reality



Pentacles- Picto - Red.png


Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png



Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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