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5 of Swords
The Five of Swords represents the universalization of thought, venturing into the realm of abstraction beyond pure reason.
In the Four of Swords, rational thought was exalted within a figure resembling the Vitruvian Man. In the Five, it breaks free from Cartesian boundaries to explore antimatter and the possibility of telepathic, pituitary, and cosmic connections. The central lily has departed, transcending into a sword akin to the one in the Three. Only the peripheral flowers remain as organic elements. These flowers, inherited from previous cards, likely symbolize a stable foundation upon which thought can expand towards new horizons.
The shortened blade suggests more focus than the temptation to cultivate short-sighted ideas. However, the upper crossbars of the two outer swords open a window where the edges form a two-tone diamond with four facets. The risk of the Five of Swords is regressing to the confines of the Four, where dogmatism and narrow-mindedness prevail. To avoid misunderstandings, it offers a revitalizing and miraculous opportunity to adopt any alternative point of view.
A young naked woman leads a piglet on a leash while three putti look on in astonishment. Only her extremities are covered modestly. Beneath a drapery, her eyes are blindfolded. Like justice, her vision transcends the superficial acuity of her five senses. Thus, as a paradigm shift, the woman might be suggesting universalist feminism: equality of treatment for women, no more, no less.
D'après "Pornocratès", Félicien Rops (1833 - 1898)
The plusses
The lessers
#Necessary Defense
#Emotional Boundaries
#Mental Protection
#Preserved Integrity
#Constructive Confrontation
#Fair Confrontation
#Resolved Conflict
The Five of Swords explores the dynamics of the temptation of intellectual ideals and their pitfalls. It simultaneously highlights the notions of innovative or radical cognitive breakthroughs, genius or narrow-mindedness, freely accepted blindness, and intentional perversion.
In its most positive aspects, the Five of Swords encourages us to break the limits of our perceptual fields to conquer new cognitive spaces. It urges us to move beyond traditional modes of thinking and beliefs to expand our consciousness into spirituality. In its expansive dynamic, the Five of Swords represents an awakened mind, a cortex in full effervescence with hyperactive neural and synaptic connections fostering the emergence of cutting-edge or revolutionary systems and technologies.
However, the genius of the Five of Swords can be diverted from its noble intentions to subjugate others to its own cause or that of a minority. Science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul... It warns us against the temptation to exploit mental power for control and establishing any form of hegemony. In this context, this card reminds us that "with great power comes great responsibility."
In a reading, the Five of Swords urges us to break free from conventional thought frameworks or beliefs to explore unknown or unsuspected horizons. It calls on our pioneering spirit to unleash the expression of limitless imagination. Invention and innovation are the hallmarks of a thought that imposes no limits on itself, except not to constrain itself. In its anarchistic sense, the Five of Swords might advocate: "It is forbidden to forbid."
#Unnecessary Conflict
#Pyrrhic Victory
#Wasted Energy
#Emotional Destruction
#Devastating Selfishness
#Inevitable War
#Public Humiliation
#Costly Victory
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