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LLdD - Mineur - 65 - 1 d'épée.png

10 of Swords

The Ten of Swords shifts our mental consciousness into the unconditional reality of Love. Now, on the eight interwoven scabbards, four red mantles establish the connection between the soul and the awakened spirit from the Eight of Swords. Two swords cross their blades at the top of the central ogive. They would be perfectly identical if the sword on the right weren’t marked by a notch. The gain from the Nine of Swords is perfectly integrated into the Ten: the animus and anima embrace their uniqueness to form the perfect union of dualities. The blades traverse the black-and-white space of emptiness to emerge purified, meeting and embracing at the apex of the central vault. Their contact resembles a caress: thoughts harmonize, and everyone is present in the sharing. The outer lilies are now reduced to two at the top of the card. Their centripetal activity radiates empathetic affection toward the heart. The handles of the swords have replaced the flowers at the bottom. Altruistic thought now merges with its organic manifestation. Amidst the entanglement of scabbards and blades, a pair of lovers exchange a kiss. Their embrace is voluptuous and delicate, almost akin to a prayer. Their hands are like butterflies... they only rest to love. And if their faces are pressed together, it is so their flesh and thoughts commune in a moment of eternity. From "The Kiss," Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918)














The plusses


The lessers

#End of the Turmoil
#New Mental Beginning
#Intellectual Rebirth
#Psychological Transformation
#Clarity After the Crisis
#Complete Mental Liberation
#Psychological Relief
#Emergence of Truth

The Ten of Swords represents the culmination of an intellectual journey, marked by profound understanding and psychic liberation. It is the peak of thought where the brilliance of wisdom dispels the darkness of obscurantism and the insidious burdens of paranoia and suspicion. In the Ten of Swords, intellect communes with affection. The mind is infused with love, and ideas flourish in the harmony of sharing. Duality is no longer a source of opposition and conflict among individuals but the cradle of their indivisible union. This card celebrates mental maturity born from embracing the universal plurality of thought... perhaps the only truth. However, the Ten of Swords warns against the dangers of rumination, resentment, revenge or vengeance, intellectual paralysis stemming from emotional wounds, or fixation on negative thoughts. It also highlights the devastating consequences of ingratitude and disputes arising from an ego-driven stance. In the context of a reading, the Ten of Swords is a call for the union of mind and heart. The miracle of consciousness arises from the fusion of intelligence and tenderness. Fortuitously, this card signals the end of cycles of deleterious or destructive thoughts. And when our psyche is a collateral victim of our emotional pathologies, the Ten of Swords urges us to address them without delay. Without love, a well-formed and full head is as barren as a desert.

#Persistent Turmoil
#Refusal of Renewal
#Mental Blockage
#Resistance to Change
#Refusal of Truth
#Obsession with the Past
#Illusory Relief
#Emergence of Suffering



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png


Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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