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LLdD - Mineur - 65 - 1 d'épée.png

8 of Swords

The Eight of Swords signifies the awakening of the third eye. The mind has reached the peak of its inactivity. Emptiness is the ultimate goal of the psyche, which the swords call to be emptied of all thoughts to touch the essence of purity. The central oval is at its minimum: two quadrants of swords embrace at the poles where they form two arches to crown the mental opening that has been reduced to a mere fraction. On the arcs of the eight scabbards, the guards and pommels brace themselves. Like the reed, the pure spirit is perfectly flexible: it bends but does not break. At the heart of this space striving for the absolute, the flower from the Two of Swords and the Ten of Pentacles finally manifests as a culmination. Animality is the climax of its organic path: the origin and destination merge. The sky-blue and dark-blue petals are a metaphor for full consciousness... or awakening. The same applies to the four peripheral lilies whose golds have turned blue, and whose red bulbs charge the mind with their receptive animality. Buddha radiates the card with his presence. Through the chin mudrā, his right hand holds knowledge at the heart level: love is wisdom, and wisdom is Love. His meditative pose evokes healing and peace. On his forehead, the Ājñā, whose symbolic representations border the free ends of the horizon line, is perfectly open.














The plusses


The lessers

#Mental Liberation
#Necessary Escape
#Psychological Emancipation
#Restored Mental Clarity
#Exit from Illusion
#Change of Perspective
#Intellectual Freedom

The Eight of Swords embodies the perfection of emptiness: the Buddhist ideal. This card confronts us with the labyrinth of our psyche, where mental barriers and identification with limiting concepts constrain our vision and manifesting potential. The Eight of Swords suggests that we examine our thoughts and beliefs to discern the invisible constraints that restrict our intellectual and cognitive freedom. The Eight of Swords invites us to free our minds from routines, obsessions, and beliefs that confine them. This card encourages us to question our thinking patterns. It highlights the power of perception and fully conscious meditation to break the psychic chains that imprison us. The Eight of Swords aspires to the salutary void of the mind and, in that sense, it is anything but Cartesian. Its motto is more simply: "I am the absence of thoughts." Conversely, in its most negative vibration, the Eight of Swords seeks to fill the void at all costs. Thoughts become incessant, invasive, and oppressive... and our psychic storms chain us indefinitely. At the other end of its spectrum, the Eight of Swords confuses emptiness with nothingness... and turns the being into a zombie by eradicating any cognitive ability or free will. In the context of a reading, the Eight of Swords may indicate a period where it is essential to practice conscious emptiness: questioning our perceptions, paradigms, and beliefs. It is a call for mental liberation, exploring new perspectives, and seeking truth beyond self-imposed limitations. The time has come to practice meditation to empty our subconscious and access unprecedented revelations: "I no longer think, I am."

#Mental Confinement
#Willful Ignorance
#Persistent Illusions
#Psychological Prison
#Ongoing Confusion
#Intellectual Blindness
#Emotional Imprisonment
#Mental Slavery



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png


Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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