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9 of Swords
Nine of Swords releases the mind from its subjective relics, offering objectivity as a new paradigm.
The eight swords form the ultimate stable foundation of marginal mental activity. The awakened consciousness can now share the fruits of its meditations by acting in the world. Two red capes establish an animal and active connection between the previous emptiness and the spirit that animates within the dynamic red and blue interlacing.
Our focus may shift to the sword whose light yellow blade represents active intelligence. The dark blue handle pacifies the guard, and the orange pommel signifies receptivity and openness to a universalized thought. The ego has extracted itself from its center to embrace a SELF made of an infinity of selves. The crack in the middle marks not a rupture but a junction line, an open bridge between all conceptions.
The thought of the Nine of Swords is disinterested and fundamentally depersonalized. While personality serves as a costume for adaptive strategies in society, this card relegates it to the closet. Like Malevich's athletes, the Nine of Swords opts for the anonymity of ideas in favor of a form of exchange that acknowledges singularity as a pure value of exchange... and collective expansion.
Based on "The Athletes," Kasimir Malevich (1879 - 1935)
The plusses
The lessers
#Release of Anxiety
#Restored Mental Peace
#End of Torments
#Inner Comfort
#Psychological Relief
#Emotional Clarity
#Resolution of Nightmares
#Nocturnal Serenity
Nine of Swords marks a turning point between intellectual completion and mental liberation.
This card delves into the labyrinths of thought to find the present moment: every instant when our understanding reaches its peak and psychic liberation becomes the only viable reality for our awakened consciousness.
The Nine of Swords paves the way for universalist thinking. The crises of the self and ego dissolve in the brightness of disinterested wisdom. The spirit, reconciled with its narcissistic wounds, flourishes in the communion of the Self with duality. The "I" embraces the "you" in the reality of the "we": the alter-ego manifests wherever the encounter occurs.
Conversely, the Nine of Swords can also indicate the pitfalls of pessimism or individualistic obsession. It warns against the dangers of being overwhelmed by dark thoughts and descending into depression. At its extreme, this card bears the marks of individual or collective madness, and any form of abrupt or gradual loss of consciousness.
In the context of a reading, the Nine of Swords may herald a period where our altruistic consciousness is in full bloom. In the excitement of our encounters, every intellectual exchange becomes stimulating. Our mind can freely open to the ideas of our interlocutors in authentic listening and without judgment. It is a time to let go of all old thought patterns and liberate ourselves from limiting concepts. In cases of crises primarily of a psychological nature, the Nine of Swords urges us to embrace ideas and activities that foster plurality and exchange... to counteract or overcome depression.
#Persistent Anxiety
#Mental Torments
#Frequent Nightmares
#Disturbing Insomnia
#Excessive Worry
#Illusory Relief
#Illusory Emotional Clarity
#Fragile Serenity
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