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LLdD - Mineur - 65 - 1 d'épée.png

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords fixes the point of her weapon as if truth could come from nowhere else. Unless it becomes obsessive, the fixity of her gaze is a mark of her determination. Her crown is made of bright gold and red: her intelligence directly serves her animal nature and, thus, the pragmatism of her materiality. Signs of her particularly sharp and acute intellect are visible at almost every level. Indeed, from head to toe, golden bands encircle the edges of her robe. In her right hand, a bright red sword demonstrates the manifest power of the Queen of Swords. The central part of her tunic shares the same color, but it may not serve the same function. On her abdomen, which resembles a shield, the folds of the fabric suggest a wound... or the mark of a pregnancy that her left hand seems to confirm. Like Athena, from whom she takes her pseudonym, the Queen of Swords may harbor nostalgia for a lost intrauterine life. Thus, like Pallas, she would eternally be born from the power of thoughts alone. And if they were the fruit of her own father's reflections, the Queen of Swords would fully embody her dream of transcendence. In a reality that surpasses fiction, Judith, the captivating widow of Bethulia, lends her features to our Queen of Swords. According to legend, this fatal heroine seduced the Babylonian general Holofernes, who was about to invade her city. After intoxicating him with wine and dance, Judith made him lose his head, both figuratively... and literally. Like a space-time loop, the cynicism of this patriarchal decapitation echoes the irony of Athena's genesis, the avatar of the Queen of Swords.














The plusses


The lessers

#Intellectual Clarity
#Balanced Communication
#Intuitive Insight
#Independence of Mind
#Objective Analysis
#Feminine Mental Strength
#Deep Understanding
#Communicative Wisdom

The Queen of Swords, embodying sharp intellect, mental clarity, and incisive communication, stands as a vigilant guardian—or jealous custodian—of the psychic and mental realms. In her positive vibration, she symbolizes a person with keen intellectual acuity and a deep understanding of psychological nuances. As a perceptive advisor, the Queen of Swords can offer illuminating recommendations and sound counsel. Simultaneously, she stands as a fierce defender of truth and transparency. In this capacity, she skillfully wields her tongue, which is often well-tuned. However, in her excessive form, the Queen of Swords may don a guise of intellectual coldness and become insensitive to anything that falls outside the narrow and rigid confines of her logic. Her attachment to a unilateral view of truth renders her impervious to conceptual or ideological nuances... and, both literally and figuratively, unpleasant. In this case, her excessive frankness, or consummate bad faith, has the same effect: she wounds or bruises without shame... and without remorse. To the extreme, her psychic rigidity can literally border on physical frigidity. In the context of a reading, the Queen of Swords may represent a person who embodies these intellectual qualities and rhetorical mastery or indicate the need to cultivate these attributes within ourselves. She encourages us to embrace mental clarity while practicing emotional leniency, to communicate with wisdom, and to seek a truth that respects other perspectives. In all circumstances, the Queen of Swords reminds us of the importance of maintaining a balance between intellectual power and genuine sensitivity.

#Intellectual Rigidity
#Cutting Communication
#Distrustful Intuition
#Isolating Independence
#Dominant Mental Force
#Critical Understanding
#Inaccessible Wisdom



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png


Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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