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LLdD - Mineur - 65 - 1 d'épée.png

King of Swords

The King of Swords is the undisputed master of the board. He already has an unlimited number of moves ahead. His crown is the active source of a sharp, brilliant, and visionary intelligence. The trimmed edge of his hat is the basin where the mind forms by the decantation of innovative ideas... and then by the transmutation of his awakened intellect. His epaulettes give a playful nod to the Chariot, from which he draws his numerical vibration. Like Janus, the King of Swords has two faces: one laughs while the other cries. This adornment reminds us that he is primarily a courtier: formidable in the art of maneuver and seduction. This tactical genius is a master of deceptions and manipulations, as evidenced by the 22-faceted dagger that his left hand does not even attempt to hide. In his right hand, the King of Swords wields a longsword, or a claymore, as a scepter. Its red blade serves both as a warning and a threat... he is one to be allied with, or beware! A red and blue kilt signifies his clan affiliation: perhaps to the Macbeths. And if he contemplates regicide, even at the cost of losing his head, it is to reclaim the throne of which he knows himself to be the rightful heir! Our King of Swords bears the face of King David. He also has his humor... and his genius. His epic battle against Goliath is all the more emblematic as the young shepherd defeats the invincible giant with a single stone thrown directly at his third eye. A very bad joke for obscurantism, as the pineal gland resembles a small stone: crystallizing at birth... and sublimating at death. Based on "David," Michelangelo (1475 - 1564)














The plusses


The lessers

#Intellectual Leadership
#Clarity of Vision
#Logical Analysis
#Masculine Mental Strength
#Powerful Communication
#Assertive Objectivity
#Strategic Wisdom
#Intellectual Authority

The King of Swords embodies vision and mastery in the realms of intellect, psyche, and communication. His sharp and refined intelligence, mental clarity, and subtle understanding of psychological nuances make him an ideal thinker, a formidable strategist, an enlightened leader... or a behind-the-scenes power broker. In its positive form, the King of Swords represents a mentor endowed with holistic intelligence, generously sharing his superior skills. Benevolent and empathetic, this visionary expert, an undisputed leader in his fields of expertise, encourages wise communication and the pursuit of truth while honoring the diversity of viewpoints and feelings. As an exceptional pedagogue, his natural frankness is balanced by an emotional sensitivity that inspires respect. In its negative aspects, the King of Swords becomes a calculating and ruthless courtier. A power-hungry arriviste, he wields the cynical power over naive, greedy, or obsequious individuals, distributing rewards or privileges according to his interests and dividing to conquer. When his psyche is solely focused on intellectual performance, his absolute emotional detachment wounds with excessive bluntness. In such cases, his commitment to truth, even when anchored in a strict quest for objectivity, can make him insensitive to the subtle nuances that enrich interactions and relationships. In the context of a reading, the King of Swords may represent someone in our circle who embodies these psychic and intellectual qualities or indicate a need to cultivate and express these virtues. He encourages us to harness our intelligence to act knowledgeably, to defend our truth while respecting others' sensitivities, and to communicate with fairness and wisdom.

#Intellectual Authoritarianism
#Mental Rigidity
#Excessive Analysis
#Oppressive Mental Strength
#Brutal Communication
#Rigid Objectivity
#Inaccessible Wisdom
#Manipulative Authority



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png


Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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