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LLdD - Mineur - 65 - 1 d'épée.png

7 of Swords

The Seven of Swords represents the peak of our intuitive activity. The sword from the Five of Swords has transcended its animal nature to resonate with a heightened spiritual activity, exalted by the sky-blue hue. The channel of the previous blades has dissolved into the central ridge that now unites dualities on the thread of reconciliation. For the first time, the tip extends its reach beyond the bounds of the upper guards: the realm of "All possibilities" manifests beyond the limits of reason. The four lilies have retained the active vibration of those from the previous card. However, the two upper flowers have shifted perspective, as indicated by the direction of the grooves on their red bulb. The activity has shifted from centripetal to centrifugal: as it rises, the residual animal consciousness further empties its individualistic nature. Another detail is that the empty blue sepals from the Six of Swords have all filled with a central interrupted line, mimicking the function of the ridge: the ultimate destination is the point, the return to the source. Velázquez's Christ has freed himself from the cross. Like the Seven of Swords, his activity is intense but invisible because it is sublimated. In this metaphorical version, the miracle arises from the fact that he transcends the torments of crucifixion to fulfill his destiny. According to "The Crucified Christ," Diego Velázquez (1599 - 1660)














The plusses


The lessers

#Necessary Ruse
#Mental Adaptation
#Strategic Planning
#Clever Evasion
#Change of Approach
#Mental Discretion
#Skillful Avoidance
#Preventive Reflection

The Seven of Swords liberates the mind from all constraints. It offers us a unique opportunity to dedicate our intelligence to the service of others, the world, or humanity. The Seven of Swords draws its source of intense mental activity from its receptive power. The intellect is now a formidable tool intended to serve a humanistic project or a noble cause. The psyche has reached a level of consciousness and maturity where knowledge and wisdom are, in principle, irrelevant to the individual who holds them. Thus, this card embodies a nearly sacrificial dimension... Its sacred nature leads the awakened mind to abandon all personal ambition to contribute to the common cause and radiate. Conversely, the Seven of Swords may be tempted to redirect its intelligence for nefarious causes and misguided interests. Its energy is then used for cynical and harmful purposes. To achieve their goals and corrupt the natural brilliance of its vibration, the antagonists of the Seven of Swords employ elaborate ruses, intrigues, and manipulations. Propaganda, misinformation, deceit, repression, and persecution are favored tools in their conspiratorial arsenal. In the context of a reading, the Seven of Swords may signal a period where intellectual altruism, insight, and selflessness are major points of focus. It is a call to dedicate our intelligence to the service of others, to remain particularly alert and vigilant against manipulation and deceit... and to defend our humanistic values with ardor and clarity.

Here is the English translation for the keywords you provided:

#Deliberate Deception
#Mental Manipulation
#Harmful Cunning
#Irresponsible Escape
#Constant Avoidance
#Unhealthy Hesitation
#Obsessive Reflection
#Foiled Plans



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png


Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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