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LLdD - Mineur - 65 - 1 d'épée.png

6 of Swords

The Six of Swords breaks free from the constraints of previous references to venture into realms where imagination is the new El Dorado. The interlacing of the swords becomes denser. Yet each additional mass simultaneously creates an extra white space of autonomy and freedom. The central oval further narrows to take on the concentrated shape of an optical lens. The third eye opens as the perspective contracts. This new shift in focus further stimulates our potential for visualization. All our attention is now absorbed by the hybrid flower at the center. This androgynous plant creature could be the result of the union between the male and female flowers of the Four of Wands. Its attributes are a subtle blend of genders, designed to extract our thinking from any rigid or limiting framework. Just as the four peripheral lilies, whose receptive bases have finally transformed into active fluidity, this floral avatar—bastard offspring of a tulip, an orchid and mistletoe—lets go of the restrictive swords to soar in contemplative and poetic space. The Japanese crane symbolizes luck, peace, and longevity. According to legend, it would take just 1000 origami cranes to grant any wish. And in times of misfortune, there is no need to break the glass to ward off bad luck; simply say, “Tsuru kame, Tsuru kame!” From "Myriads of Flying Cranes," Ohara Koson (1877 - 1945)














The plusses


The lessers

#Successful Transition
#Mental Change
#Peaceful Evolution
#Inner Journey
#Mental Growth
#Restored Serenity
#Inner Guidance
#Calm After the Storm

The Six of Swords explores psychic relaxation. It directs our mind towards poetic, calm, and soothing intellectual horizons. In its most positive aspects, this card symbolizes openness to poetry and intellectual aesthetics. The Six of Swords evokes the genuine pleasure and joy of a mind devoted to meditation, contemplation, or philosophy. It encourages us to undertake a dreamlike inner journey with grace and to embrace the Epicurean pleasure of letting our thoughts wander. The mind attains a salutary autonomy, and the individual can enjoy solitary or shared intellectual and Platonic ecstasy. However, in its ultra-hegemonic aspects, the Six of Swords can plunge into the insatiable pursuit of abstract pleasures provided by intellectual masturbation. It may lead to psychic isolation or pedantry. The dandies of the Six of Swords might become fierce proponents of futile intellectual proselytism or wallow in the quicksand of defiant and postural laziness. In the context of a reading, the Six of Swords creates a space of relaxation for our mind, especially when it is agitated, tormented, or oppressed. This card invites us to allow our psyche to take a vacation. It is a good time to immerse ourselves in the contemplation of a poetic, literary, or philosophical work. It is also the perfect opportunity to engage in relaxing or meditative activities to rejuvenate the mind, whether alone or in good company.

#Difficult Transition
#Resistance to Change
#Mental Stagnation
#Perilous Journey
#Reluctance to Evolve
#Illusory Serenity
#Lost Guidance
#Persistent Inner Storm



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png


Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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