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3 of Swords
The Three of Swords has chosen the olive branch: love and peace. And if it’s mistletoe, it promises us prosperity... and perhaps, immortality.
The long, eastern-guarded sword in the center of the card disrupts the tranquility of the healing branches. Its glowing blade cuts through the space, focusing our attention on its tip. The crown of the Ace has given way to the crossing of the two peripheral swords. The handle has spiritualized in the ascension and expansion of the 3. The pommel bears the attributes of a mandarin... or a tomato: the golden apple. An "N" is engraved on the ruby adorning its end, marking the growth to which the Three of Swords invites us. The cross-guards form inverted S shapes, small golden fish teasing, perhaps, the Christian symbolism of this zodiac sign.
The red and orange colors of the side guards of the Two of Swords have shifted to the Three. This change offers a new perspective on the action of our mental consciousness. The full gutter extends into a long ridge whose viewpoint ends at the needle at the end of its course. The Three of Swords creates a breach, if not a breakthrough.
Joan of Arc raises the banner, a double testament to her faith and allegiance. Entrusted with a mission inspired by the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by the disk encircling her head, she looks to the top of the card: the object of her quest... the source of her illumination.
According to "Joan of Arc at the Coronation of King Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reims," Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780 - 1867)
The plusses
The lessers
#Emotional Healing
#Release of Grief
#Acceptance of the Truth
#Growth Through Pain
#Purged Emotions
#Emotional New Beginning
#Clarity After Sadness
#Renewed Emotional Strength
The Three of Swords symbolizes openness, the quest for intellectual ideals, and the emergence of original thought or new beliefs.
Like the 3, the creative blossoming of the mind with innovative ideas, the Three of Swords pushes us toward intellectual openness and curiosity. It is the key that, through debate and constructive confrontation, seeks a higher, enduring understanding... and thus an ideal of mental flourishing.
This card represents the moment when our thoughts are drawn to new currents of opinion or tempted by other belief systems that create a breach in our paradigms. Although it is never far from the risks of sectarian drift, it reminds us that the diversity of opinions can be a source of personal growth and mutual understanding. In this context, the Three of Swords encourages us to approach conflicts with an open mind and to recognize that resolution can emerge from the constructive confrontation of ideas.
In a reading, the Three of Swords indicates a period of mental excitement where we discover new ideas and stimulating thought currents. It may also foretell intellectual tensions that could escalate into conflicts. The card is associated with passionate debates and collective enthusiasm in political arenas... with the destructive expression being fanaticism. Therefore, this card encourages us to view our intellectual impulses as opportunities to expand the range of our ideas and gain wisdom... and to cultivate intellectual relationships that promote mutual enrichment.
#Persistent Grief
#Emotional Wound
#Prolonged Mourning
#Refusal of the Truth
#Emotional Pain
#Painful Break
#Emotional Confrontation
#Ongoing Trauma
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