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LLdD - Mineur - 65 - 1 d'épée.png

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords has the elegance of a young scholar fresh from a prestigious academy or the apprentice of a renowned Master. His hat extends its wide brims towards his shoulders. His animal nature is imbued with the knowledge he has received. The dark colors of his outfit reflect his openness to the prevailing ideas and concepts in his environment. On the back of his cloak, the spiritualized and active ermine resonates with the colors of his sword and the shell that gives his groin an ostentatious dimension. The sheath of flesh and his sword point in opposite directions. This crisscross confirms the versatile malleability of the Page of Swords, also evident in the position of his feet. To act or to do nothing? In principle, he will at least turn his tongue seven times in his mouth before speaking... Unless it manifests as hypocrisy or idle sarcasm. In the meantime, and in doubt, the Page of Swords prefers to continue sharpening his blade. The blade, interrupted before the tip, signals his lack of confidence and intellectual immaturity. To complete his education, additional work will come from the ground, whose holistic intelligence will guide the practice of his intellect. Based on "Holger Danske," Hans Peder Pedersen-Dan (1859 - 1939)














The plusses


The lessers

#Intellectual Curiosity
#Ongoing Learning
#Direct Communication
#Insightful Analysis
#Quick-Witted Mind
#New Ideas
#Intellectual Exploration
#Positive Ingenuity

The Page of Swords, messenger and apprentice of mental consciousness, stands at the threshold of an initiatory journey into the realms of the psyche and knowledge. As an incomplete candidate for erudition, he encourages us to develop our critical thinking and cultivate our intellectual receptivity. In its positive form, the Page of Swords represents the beginning of a new understanding or an emerging perspective in the mental and cognitive spheres. It indicates a time conducive to intellectual growth, where we learn to analyze, structure, and articulate our ideas. This novice thinker urges us to be authentic, to shape our thoughts with discernment, and to sharpen our intellect. Conversely, his darker inclinations highlight the risks of being overly influenced by ideas that shape our choices. For the Page of Swords, the main danger is succumbing to thought currents that lead to proselytism or obscurantism, and incidentally to exclusion or persecution. Blind adoption of beliefs and dogmas easily leads him to hypocrisy, intrigue, lying, and hatred. Additionally, his immature susceptibility to trends and influences can make him prey to contempt and devaluation, including self-centeredness. In the context of a reading, the presence of the Page of Swords signals a message or an opportunity in the realms of knowledge and communication. It is a call to remain open to new ideas, to educate our minds to make critical and meaningful choices. Particularly if we are going through a period of doubt, where our mental state is weakened, this card reminds us of the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between our thoughts and intuition to avoid self-flagellation and rebuild a positive self-image.

#Intellectual Immaturity
#Brutal Communication
#Superficial Analysis
#Overly Critical Mind
#Mental Instability
#Confused Ideas
#Aimless Exploration
#Exploited Ingenuity



Pentacles - Picto - Red.png



Wands - Orange Picto.png



Swords - Picto - Blue.png


Major - Picto - Dark brown.png


Major - Picto.png


Cups - Green Picto.png


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