After the materialism of pentacles, the emotionality of cups and the passion of wands, we now enter the universe of reason. Indeed, the swords take us into the spheres of the intellect and the mind. The swords take our consciousness to where some see the culmination of our humanity. Because the brain, confined to the cortex, is still often erected as the absolute seat of our intelligence. In this case, in Descartes' “I think therefore I am”, the swords would willingly grant themselves exclusive legitimacy over any perception of existence or reality. In a reading, the swords encourage us to observe and analyze our relationship to logic, ideas and concepts. But also to our intellectual faculties and to any temptation to use or abuse them. It is said that some people excel in the art of emotional blackmail. The same goes for our remarkable ability to manipulate with the mind… or to let it deceive us. However, this drift is, in the same way as structured and structuring thought, an object of attention par excellence that the sharpened awareness of the swords allows us to discern. Having become reasonable again, because reduced to the strict complementarity of its nature, it can occupy its full place alongside other forms of consciousness. Without submitting or dominating.