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The World
"The World is my oyster," wrote Shakespeare.
The meaning we attribute to this phrase has been diverted from its original significance. Yet, William spoke more truly than he knew... In its visual representation, the World resembles an oyster. The virginal figure at the center is an allegory of the pearl. And, as a shell, a laurel crown symbolizes victory.
On the card, Venus borrowed from Botticelli is born from the union of the soul and personality. Perfectly accomplished, she dances in harmony with her cardinal components. She is the center of gravity: the alchemy of body, passions, mind, and emotions.
21 is the highest number in the tarot. The Trinity accomplished at the end of the Judgment, it represents the being who fully assumes their existence. Thus, the World is the culmination of a dizzying and exciting initiatory journey. Its sole mission is to realize itself... Emerging from nothing and connected to Everything, it can finally serve itself and fulfill its purpose... in the world.
- Based on "The Birth of Venus," Sandro Botticelli (1445 - 1510)
The plusses
The lessers
In essence, the World card signifies total realization.
Given the numerical and symbolic power of this card, it is important to note where it appears. At the beginning of a reading, the World may suggest difficulty in completing a gestation, whether material, relational, creative, or intellectual. And at the end of a reading, it indicates the end of a cycle in terms of achievement and personal fulfillment... thus individuation.
For Jung, individuation is the dynamic state where an individual is in harmony with all components of their nature. Conflict gives way to harmony, and the experience of inner peace and balance is perfectly reflected outside. In its biological version, for the individuated being, the conscious and unconscious coexist symbiotically.
In other words, the World is the card that calls for awakening. It invites us to cultivate our "pearl" to embody the purest expression of our being. With the World, our material needs, emotional life, passions, and ego can be viewed as peripheral and dynamic components. Their dynamic rotation around the central figure resembles the ballet of electrons around an atom. And in this configuration, the ego is just another electron: it contributes to the balance... neither more nor less.
Its axiom: "Serve the World; you are not its center."
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